Friday, July 26, 2013


Having only just arrived in Zagreb, we have little to report.  Had an interesting time trying to find where to return the hire car.  Had the address and put it into the GPS but it was not accepted.   Tried to google the location but got a different address to the one we had ???   When the hire company tried the drop off point they could not find their own office in Zagreb and said we will put the centre of Zagreb into the GPS and when you get there, just look for a very high building and that will be the spot !!!  Not satisfied, I asked the hotel reception to ring this hire company and ask which address. The answer was that both addresses were correct but don't come to either as roadworks will not permit entry and then gave us another address which would not work in the GPS!!  We allowed 2 hours to drive to Zagreb and 6 hours to find the drop off point.  So off we go.   125 kms and got there in just over an hour.  I sat on the speed limit of 130 and was by far the slowest car on the road.  At one point I passed a vehicle at 140 and was flashed by a car from behind. As he went past I estimated he was travelling at about 200 kph !
We were led by the GPS to one of the addresses and believe it or not, we got out of the car, saw a high building and there it was, the hire car company.  The office was just behind the roadworks, but closed !!!
Eventually we located the operator and all ok and safely in our nice cool hotel. (35 degrees today outside).   
 Zagreb has an old part with a main square, and trams run through the centre.  Population of Zagreb is approx. 1 million and is the capital of Croatia.  Unlike Australian cities the population here has remained fairly static for years.
The road here was through very beautiful country.  Many pretty little villages every few km.  Lots of green bush, with cleared areas for farming corn, grains and vegetables (no more vineyards this far inland).  Have not seen any sheep, cows, or beef cattle anywhere, although a few pigs on a small farmlet.  
We have been told everywhere that the water is potable, but taken no chances - bottled water only.  The food is good, particularly the healthy European breakfasts, and the white wine and coffee are excellent.  Main meals usually come with some form of potatoes plus cooked green spinach.  The number of Pizza restaurants is outstanding.  Most seem to eat Pizza either for lunch or dinner.

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