Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A day on the Avenue des Champs Elysees

Another hot and humid day as we headed to the Metro.  Got there and all gates closed.  Were told that a train had rolled over in the tunnel and no trains today. Good news, nobody was killed.  Lucky we did not catch that earlier train !!!!
Walked to Gare de Lyon and caught the Metro to Charles de Gaulle Etolle, (Arc de Triomphe) and then the multitudes of shops appeared.  The Champs Des Élysées was as enticing as usual.  Shoes, handbags, coats.  Only way to stop the drain on funds was to stop for lunch.  50 euros later the shops were still there and I gave up.   Shopping and more shopping. 

We walked from the Arc down to Place De La Concorde where the Tour de France will finish and saw all the seating set up for the finish.  Doesn't sound much but we would have walked 10 kms today because of the train closures.  Staggered home late afternoon with tired legs for a cold beer.  Temperature here today is 31 degrees and humid.

We were surprised to see no bike helmets, many smokers, same number of beggars, many sirens from emergency vehicles but the best thing was the people are friendly and will give assistance when asked (even when their English is non-existent).  We did not have that same pleasure in London.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds wonderful and exhausting. Wish I was there with Judy in all those shops!!
