Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Slow Boat to Hvar

Tonight we had the sweetest open flame cooked fish ((with not a bone) that we have ever tasted.
A special restaurant at Hvar, now this is as good as it gets !!!

But first we need to tell you the start to the day and it began at 1.30 am this morning.

In bed at 10.00pm and slept until 1.00 am.  Then the party started on the streets below.  Not a wink of sleep from then on and up at 6.15 am to catch the boat.  As we came out of the hotel, there were some left still drinking and making noise.  The first photo below shows one who did not make it and decided to sleep it off in the street.  Part of the annual festivities in Croatia between July and August??

 So we were picked up late and delivered to the port of Dubrovnik only to be told the wrong boat and the wrong place to pick up the tickets.  Eventually in a queue and waiting for 30 mins and had to run the boat.  Behind me were at least 60 others and I am sure some did not make the boat as it left at exactly 8.30 am.

We had dinner last night with a couple from the Gold Coast who were to meet us on the boat but they did not arrive..

The temperature on the boat was so hot.  On the deck no shade and inside no breeze.  An air conditioned lounge was full with people lying asleep all over the floor, and elsewhere they sat on the floor under the life boats.

It took 8 hours on this old boat to travel 160 kms after 3 stops.  Take the bus next time although the views from the water were sensational. 

The second and third photos show the backpackers who were asleep within 5 minutes of the boat leaving.  Oh to be young, party all night and then sleep all day.  We arrived hot and wilted after the 8 hour boat trip at 4.40 pm.  Driver waiting, hotel room ready, and tickets for tomorrow already delivered.    Things looked up already, particularly as the temperature began to drop.

There are more than 10,000 islands off the Dalmatian Coast, which is named after the dogs which originated there.  Some old columns show carved figures of these dogs at the top of the column.

Our room in Hvar is very good - stone walls, good bathroom, and fluffy white towels.  Very helpful staff.  The port is extremely pretty, and filled with various boating craft including some elaborate and very expensive large glitzy boats.  We were able to have dinner overlooking the bay with the boats and the sunset in the background.  Truly a beautiful place.  There is a "promenade" around this bay, which is ideal for "people peeping" as the tourists parade past to make an impression.
Tomorrow the Catamaran - the adventure gets more interesting from here on in !!!!

Sleeping it off in the Main Street at 7.00am !
The backpackers getting their sleep after a big night.
A few more who did not sleep until now.
I may hire one for a day !
Dinner at sunset overlooking the Hvar marina.
Hvar is a beautiful village with much to offer on the waterfront.

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