Thursday, July 25, 2013

Plitvice Lakes National Park

This National Park is the largest in Croatia, and in 1979 was included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites.  Australians have only recently started coming here.  The park is well organised with tourists being able to walk clockwise or anti clockwise around the park to reduce the mass of people on either side.  By walking, boating, walking then getting on a road train and then more walking, the whole tour takes about 5 hours.  It is spectacular and photos do not do it justice, or at least mine don't.  The wild life, the limestone cliffs, the colour of the water and the multitude of long waterfalls all add to give an awe-inspiring experience.  Travertine is  found here (our new patio), and the forest is mostly beech.   The colour of the water in the lakes is an unbelievable clear turquoise blue, which reminds me of Lake Pukaki in the Sth Island of NZ where we went for our honeymoon 45 years ago.
What a great day!!

It snows here in winter.  There are photos taken in winter, with the waterfalls appearing as frozen icicles - can you imagine how beautiful those photos are?  

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