Sunday, July 14, 2013

Last day in London

Madame Tussaud's was well worth the wait and entry cost.  Surprisingly, the visitors can touch the figures as well as take photos with them.  The majority are incredible likenesses (Winston Churchill, Michael Jackson, Nicole Kidman, Usain Bolt, President Putin, Prince Charles), but some not so much (Angelina Jolie, Princess Diana, Madonna,  Elvis Presley).  There are very many figures - perhaps more than 100.  Purchased a booklet in English for further information, which turned out to be in Italian!

Trafalgar Square has four large black lion statues facing N,S,E and W.  the sculptor had never seen a real lion, so he imported a dead lion from a zoo.  He used the dead lion to fashion the heads, but by the time it came to complete the bodies the dead lion was in rather poor condition.  So he modelled the rear end of the seated lions by using his dog in a squatting position - the rear ends of the lions look rather strange!

The Florence Nightingale Museum is excellent, with a wealth of information about her life and work and the Crimean War and medical information in general.  

Off to Paris tomorrow on the Eurostar which runs through a tunnel under the English Channel.