Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cruising Begins

We left Budapest at 5.30 pm last night and began our journey along the Danube.  The night lights of Budapest from the water were quite spectacular.  The evening had a Hungarian theme, with traditional food and an orchestra which accompanied the most amazingly athletic and talented folk dancers (two females and 4 males) as a floor show.  The girls wore the most intricately embroidered outfits, and the men black boots and  with a white bell-sleeved shirt underneath.  The girls were so light on their feet that they seemed to float, whilst the men stamped and slapped their boots very loudly and with great agility.  This was truly a treat for them to demonstrate for us.
This morning at 5.30 am we passed through the first of 68 locks between Budapest and Amsterdam.  A slight amount of vibration was the only indication that this was happening.
The meals have been amazing (both quantity and quality), and they even made Moët Chandon champagne available for breakfast this morning.
Today there was a rather sad event which has sobered the general mood on the ship.  We made an unscheduled stop, police and an ambulance were called, and afterwards a hearse arrived.  A lady had passed away on board, and we watched her distraught husband leave with the police.  Very sad.
Tonight we will arrive in Vienna

Cruising the Danube at 25 knots
Judy, Marie and Constantin the waiter
Bridges on the Slovakian border
More towns along the border
Fire drill on the Top Deck.
The bar where it all happens nightly !
Houseboat, Slovakia style !

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