Thursday, July 11, 2013

First Impressions of London

Qantas A380 takes off and lands like a very large pelican - so slow and controlled!  Comfortable 25 hours door to door from Heathmont to London hotel via Dubai.
London roads are congested with mayhem traffic, mostly bumper to bumper buses with cyclists weaving in and out (few with helmets)
Multitudes of tourists
Large queues for attractions
The sun does shine sometimes in London but early morning was quite cold
Tour bus of city was excellent way to gain a feel for the city and its history - hop on/hop off or stay on board for guide commentary for about 2 hours.  Several organisations offer these which explains why the roads are so clogged with buses.   There are also public buses and the underground train system so visiting attractions is easy
You can find healthy food in London

1 comment:

  1. Good to read the first report and see the photos. Did you do a city bus tour? How long are you there for and where are you staying?
