Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Train to Budapest

The driver arrived at last with the tickets for the trip to Budapest, which was a relief as we only had minutes to go to purchase more tickets if he did not arrive.
When we arrived at the station we were on our own.  Many platforms and many trains all looking the same.  Instructions at the information centre were that the first three carriages go all the way to Budapest so get on there.  Problem was -which direction did the train go as we could have easily got on the wrong end .  The train had no engine so who knows.  I asked the man cleaning out the rubbish bins and he knew so all was fine.
The trip was long, hot, and uneventful. ( temp. 35 degrees again and the same tomorrow)
6.5 hours in a partly air conditioned train that stopped for many small stations and three passport checks. The countryside in Hungary ranged from bushland, fallow fields, corn crops and sunflower fields.  We passed a very large lake - at least one hour on the train (Lake Balaton)
 As soon as the passport checks were complete, the backpackers poured into our first class carriage and the singing began.  All was fine and we were met by our driver and off to the hotel.
Dinner tonight was at a small street restaurant, with our table being a flat piece of timber atop an old metal sewing machine base including the foot pedal.  (See photo below) Judy's mother had one just the same.  Food choices were fine, and menu available in English.
This is a very good hotel, and we have been upgraded to a Junior Suite which is very comfortable.

This is the huge lake that we passed on our way to Budapest.

Holiday accommodation by the lake.
The hotel at Budapest.
The table for dinner was made from an old Singer Sewing Machine.
Statue of Zichy outside the Palazzo Zichy Hotel.

1 comment:

  1. Found the Lake and hotel in Maria street and had a look around in street view. Looks good.
