Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dubrovnik- A Must See Location

Spent today shopping and staying in the shade.  It is very HOT, and there are steps, steps, and more steps!
We will be sorry to leave Dubrovnik tomorrow.  It really is a "must see" destination for those coming to Croatia. Although the numbers swell when the tourist cruise liners and buses arrive (3000 per ship and two here today), the evenings are most enjoyable. The history involving the Croatians defending their country over many years is a long and sad tale.  There are several museums with information depicting many years of fighting. It seems like many others wanted the Dalmation Coast as theirs and no wonder - it is a beautiful part of the world.
Some more information:
Quickly fried anchovies and baby squid make a delicious lunch
Children don't start school until age 7
Primary school lasts for 8 years
Schooling is compulsory and all students learn English
Dubrovnik has the oldest pharmacy in Europe, one of the first water supply systems in the world, one of the first orphanages and the first quarantine.  All this in the 1400s
By the 15th century, Croatia was a major shipbuilder with a strong navy and merchant ships which transported goods across the Mediterranean
Now Croatia only has Tourism to export
There are more Croatians living in other countries than in Croatia itself
Dubrovnik had abolished slavery and slave trading as long ago as1416
Bernard Shaw described Dubrovnik as "Heaven on Earth"
In 1667 (almost the same year as the Great Fire of London) Dubrovnik was almost completely destroyed by a major earthquake
Elections in 1990 toppled the communist regime in Yugoslavia and created the Replubic of Croatia, leading to the invasion of the Serbs and the Homeland War which began on October 1, 1991.

View at lunch today
Seafood Lunch again !!
Even the birds get in on the fun.

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