Monday, August 5, 2013

We are in Germany

Arrived in Regensburg at 10.30am and went on the walking tour. Finished up in the church with an organ recital which was fantastic. The organ music in full flight does make the hair on your arms stand up.  Then we had the typical Bavarian lunch starting with a huge stein of beer (600 ml) as you walk in to the dining room.  Then the wine starts until they bring out the Bavarian meal.  That finished at 2.30pm and then a thunder storm and all in our rooms madly emailing then back again for the Bavarian music entertainment.  This is always good as by dinner time there is always some one who wants to make a fool of themselves.  Tonight it was one of the gay guys who thought he would conduct the music for the Bavarian band. After they carried him out, the band really got going with ompha music and dancing. A great night, but then, every night has been a great night.
Tomorrow we reach the highest lock at 9.30am which is a15 Metres rise and then we start going down towards Amsterdam.
The locks are interesting.  There are 64 in total and each one rises approx. 8 Metres but some are up to 25Metres, the ship rises about 2 Metres a minute in the lock and will start to move forward seconds after the water has risen to the correct level.  The clearance each side with this ship ( new and large ) is 200 mm.  They control it with GPS along the canals but in the lock they have side thrusters that move the ship sideways when needed. The locks are 190 metres long and 12 metres wide. This ship is 11.6 metres wide.
Off to see Hitlers war museum tomorrow.

This is the Walhalla on the banks of the Danube just before Regensburg.
A car rally in Regensburg today.
The crowds !!!
David and Goliath.
The spire through a gap.
And again.
And again, if I knew how to delete these photos, I would.
This is the way the Captain lowers his driving quarters to get under the bridges, not our ship.

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