Sunday, August 18, 2013

Another Day in Boston

The photos show where we are staying with Mark and Lorraine in a little town called Lunenburg which is about 45 mins from Boston.  It is an extremely pretty neighbourhood, where fresh fruit  and veggies  can be purchased every day - just picked - at a roadside farm outlet.

The lobsters here are relatively inexpensive and absolutely delicious.  After the feast we cooked last night, there was sufficient lobster remaining for us to have lobster rolls for lunch today.  Decadent! The photo of the platter below shows them in their full red glory.

Mark's little red sports car is a manual "pocket rocket", and Brian thoroughly enjoyed a drive to bring back memories of the MG TF which he owned when I first met him.

It is very entertaining to watch the 6 squirrels which leap from the balcony to the trees to the bird feeders - they have very cute faces and move incredibly quickly when they are not eating.  They are usually just outside the kitchen window.

On Wed we leave from here for 5 days - Mark and I to Washington and Brian and Lorraine to Cape Cod.  We will then all meet in New York for two days for a show and dinner (Mark and I by train from Washington and Brian and Lorraine by car to our meeting point)

Mark ready to take Judy for a ride in his Sports Car

One of the squirrels feeding upside down on the balcony

A feast of Boston Lobsters

Mark and Lorraine, our wonderful hosts

Ready to attack the luscious spread which we prepared

View from the balcony across the lake at Lunenburg

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