Friday, August 2, 2013

Durnstein and Melk Tours

Last evening we had booked for dinner at the Top class Portobella restaurant, and had a magnificent 6 course meal.  Food, wine and service were excellent.  Later we set sail about 11.00 pm (incidentally one must not call the craft a boat - it is a SHIP) and were lulled to sleep by the gentle hum of the motor/s as we slid through the water.  After breakfast  30 passengers rode electric bikes along the shore in the same direction as the ship for about 30 kms.  They were very hot and bothered on arrival at the next port of call (it is 34 degrees here today).
We have four buses which travel along the shoreline with us, and are available for tours, day trips, to the concert, etc.  
This morning was a walking tour into the tiny town of Durnstein, followed by an elaborate BBQ lunch on the top deck accompanied by our in-house very competent musician (trumpet, guitar, portable piano and singing - he seems to have an inexhaustible repertoire)
After lunch we had another guided tour around the town of Melk, which was exhausting because of the stifling heat.
Each day our housekeeper leaves our new towels on the bed, crafted into an easily recognisable shape.  Each day it has been a swan, but this morning she created the "reading dog" you see in the last photo below using my glasses and the novel I am currently reading!
Tonight we have another special dinner (for all of the passengers on level 3), where we sit by the windows and watch the chef and kitchen staff prepare our meal.
It doesn't get any better than this, does it?  I have been exercising my calculation skills trying to work out if one could afford to live on such a ship indefinitely and spend no more than one would at home running a household!!

Electric bikes for the 30km ride along the Danube.
Half way to the castle at Durnstein.
Nearly to the top.
The top of the old castle.
A Ferrari in the village ( one for Peter van Camp )
Another church !!!!
Not another church !
Wine before the lunchtime BBQ and Judy is away again!
The Monastery at Melk.
Housemaid's skills.

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