Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Washington and New York.

Based on the number of emails received asking for the next blog entry, we realise that it is being read by many.  We were out of range for a few days but will try to catch up on the past 6 days.

Cape Cod.
We drove to the end of the Cape and found that Provincetown was a fun place with lots of sun seekers, many restaurants with a wide range of menus, and a high proportion of the community all out to enjoy themselves.  The cedar shingled houses and the beach views all added to make this a popular holiday destination.

Martha's Vineyard.
Caught the fast ferry to Martha's Vineyard (Oak Bluffs) and then a local tourist bus to do a 2 hour circuit of the Island.  Magnificent views, great lobster, and even an explanation of where and how the movie Jaws was produced.  The houses are priced extremely high, meal prices are at the top end, and if the movie stars and the President keep coming to holiday there will not be a drop in real estate values in the near future.

Flew Boston to Washington and then boarded the subway to explore and admire the unique buildings which are at the "seat" of USA politics and history.  The city is extremely clean, and the subway and trains clean and efficient.  Buying a ticket is a breeze compared to Melbourne's Metro!  
It was extremely hot walking on the stone pavements in bright sunshine and a high temperature.  Exhausting! Over two days we covered many kilometres on foot around the White House (entry not permitted now), Senators' offices, WWII memorial, Vietnam War memorial, and the Lincoln memorial (the latter is very beautiful, and the War Memorials extremely moving).  The Mall and Reflecting Pool with Washington Spire at one end and the Lincoln Memorial building at the other makes a well-known photograph, but is exceptionally beautiful when viewed personally.  The Lincoln memorial building is particularly beautiful, and his large statue inside very realistic with great character.
We also visited Arlington National Cemetery which holds the graves of Military personnel.  JFK's grave is located there, and surprisingly also Jackie Kennedy/Bouvier/Onassis and two stillborn babies all side by side near the Eternal Flame.  Robert is buried in the same cemetery, but not Ted.

New York
We stayed just opposite the 9/11 memorial site and could watch the construction work from our windows on the 23rd floor.  One new building called the Freedom Tower is almost complete, and the two memorials with waterfalls on all four sides of a deep well have the names of all those who lost their lives inscribed around the perimeters.  This site is a very sad and moving experience.  More than 400 Plane trees have been planted on the site to provide shade and to symbolise life.  There is also one pear tree which is called the "Surviving Tree" - it survived 9/11, was taken away and nurtured, and then returned and planted on the site.  There is a museum which contains remnants of the collapsed buildings and artworks which have been made from steel which was part of the buildings.
Many buildings next to the centre were so badly damaged that they had to be destroyed and rebuilt, but St Paul's Church Chapel was undamaged.  This chapel was used as HQ for volunteers and firefighters at the site.  It was built in 1708 and is the oldest building still operating in New York.
We took a ride through Central Park in a Hansom Cab which was most enjoyable, and the park surprisingly green and full of cyclists and picnickers.
Lunch was at a Jazz Night Club called "BBKINGS" where we were treated to songs by the Harlem Gospel Choir which is very famous.  Both as a group and individually their voices are amazing, and the crowd was very soon clapping and waving their arms in unison with the music.  A great day!

Provincetown at the top of Cape Cod.

Some large yachts with helicopter on top at Martha's Vineyard.

The "Gingerbread Houses" at Martha's Vineyard.

The memorial at the World Trade Centre on the site of the North Tower.

Judy and LK. In the museum for 9/11

The bell presented by London to New York located in the church yard of St Paul's opposite the World Trade Centre.

The park around the site of the World Trade Centre twin towers.

Freedom Tower built on the WTC site.

A ride around New York Central Park.

Some of the thousands of bike riders in Central Park and two on-lookers.

Always busy at Times Square.

What about this for a McDonalds outlet!

The Harlem Gospel Choir at BB Kings on 42nd Street.

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