Monday, August 5, 2013

A day in Nuremberg

Sorry the blog would not go through yesterday, hope this one makes it.
There is only one life raft on this ship and the Captain said that there are only two seats on the boat, one for the Captain and the other for the cook.  Well sounds a bit like the Concordia !!,
We have been through many locks. Some small, some very deep.  Photos below may give you some indication of the height differences of the water levels.
The tour today went to the headquarters of the National Socialist Party Museum where Hitler gained most of his fame.  It was fascinating.  It is hard to believe that this idiot could have convinced so many young children in Germany to sign up to an Army who were hell bent on killing so many Jews and others who got in their way.  Nerumburg is a city which is lacking in colour and vitality in a european city.
Other cities have spruced up their buildings since the war of 39 - 45 but not this place.
The Nuremberg Trials were held her in 1946 and we were shown the building shown below.

Tonight was a riot again in the night club / bar.   The gay guy who conducted the Bavarian band last night started doing a strip. He was carried out again by the big burly waiters and then we all realised that it was his well contrived plan.  It is hard to understand if you are not one of them.
We had a beer tasting lecture before dinner and then we started on the wine.  This is hard work!!
The music was great, as I have said before, it is a party here every night.
Breakfast in bed for Judy is becoming a habit, hope she does not expect this when she comes home.

Do you think she is happy ?
This lock is is 25 metres deep.
We are now just moving down.
Now we are at the bottom.
One of Hitlers visions that was never finished.
Some of his brainwashed soldiers, those without a job, why not join up.??
The unfinished amphitheatre.


  1. Yes, Judy looks very happy and content. Smoked salmon, French champagne for breakfast - that's a tough one to improve upon.

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