Friday, August 9, 2013

Just reached the Rhine River.

We have left the Main River which flows into the Rhine, and now cruising through the Rhine Valley.  This valley is filled with magnificent castles on both banks, high on the hills overlooking the river.  This area is well known for its white wine (particularly Reisling) which is very good.  You will see a section of a vineyard in one of the photos below.
We are beginning to think of our tour as a "Y" tour - YAC (yet another castle or church or cathedral), YAV (yet another village), YAM (yet another meal)!!
Last night we were entertained by a highly accomplished zither player - such a difficult instrument and such an expert musician.  There was a camera trained on the instrument and his hands which was directed to a large TV screen, so we could watch his finger work closely.
This morning we visited the Siegfried Music Cabinet in Rudesheim - a magnificent collection of very old pianolas, some of which played many instruments at the same time (using paper rolls with perforations as precursors of computer generated sound).  This music museum is not to be missed - it is amazing.
The ride in the cable car to the Lady Germaine statue at the top of the hill gave a great view of the Rhine, the valley, the vineyards, and our ship.

I try to smile as they take the money at the tourist shop !
Castles, turrets, rivers and some grape vines.
On the way up the cable car to the monument.
General view of Ruedesheim.
Another castle above the railway line alongside the Rhine.
Another church.

1 comment:

  1. Your smile doesn't seem too strained by the shopping! Some of the churches ARE beautiful and the country side is gorgeous.
