Friday, September 13, 2013

San Francisco

Left the beautiful seaside town of Bodega Bay this morning for San Francisco.  The GPS in our little car did a very good job of directing us straight to the Omni Hotel in California Street, although Brian's prior homework plus a map were of great assistance also.

Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge was an interesting experience.  Many lanes in both directions, a toll point which did not take cash, and stopping was not allowed.  Fine? $481!!! The bill will go to Hertz from whom we rented the vehicle, and hopefully the charge to our credit card will be just for the toll and not the amount of the fine.

Tomorrow we board an American Airlines flight to LA, and then a Qantas flight to Melbourne.  Home to rest - we almost forget what home looks like!!

The constant requirement to "tip" is becoming quite annoying.  It is rare to have the right amount of small notes handy, and one must factor in the tip as part of the service price when gauging the value of something.  It would be far preferable if the employer paid higher wages and charged a higher price to the consumer.

The California Street Cable Car and a publicity photo for the Omni hotel.

The Oakland Bay bridge with traffic on two levels, on a warm and sunny afternoon.

This is a line for a Ferry to take weary office workers home.

California Street with a steep hill in the background.  Looks better in real life !!

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