Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Coos Bay to Eureka.

Today is the 11th of September in the USA - ie 9/11, so Americans were solemnly remembering that sad day.  Flags were at 1/2 mast and the ringing of the bell at St Paul's church was reported in the media.  You may remember the photo of the bell that we put on the blog which was given to the City of New York by the City of London.  It is in the grounds of St Paul's church opposite the World Trade Center.

The Oregon coastal scenery today was even more beautiful than yesterday.  Most of the road ran very close to the ocean, and many stretches passed through redwood forests with massive trees (both height and girth).    The majority were located in state and federal parks, with camping grounds and lookouts appearing frequently.

When we arrived here in Eureka we had great difficulty locating our accommodation.  This was because we were looking for 3014 L Street instead of 301 !!

We have found it very difficult to find healthy food to eat.  Everything seems to come with "fries", tomato sauce (ketchup), mayo, and Tabasco.  Muffins and bagels seem to replace sandwiches where we would expect wholesome grain bread.  Last evening Judy ordered a salad with French dressing - the dressing provided was a bowl of tomato sauce!!!

Now only 5 hours and one stop north of San Francisco.

Roadworks are part of the daily sights on the Oregon Coast road down south. This is in Redwood country.

This RV was rather large, sides expanded in four places, small car on back to run up to the shop for a pint of milk, and a motor bike on the back for a quick dash into the Sand dunes. 

This is the accommodation for tonight. Many houses in this area are similar.  This one also has a superb restaurant, hope it is good !

Many of the streets facing east west are numbered with letters of the alphabet. This one is M street. We are staying in L street - makes it easy to find your way around.

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