Sunday, September 1, 2013

Boston to Vancouver via Dallas/Fort Worth.

Mark and Lorraine drove us to Logan airport at Boston to catch the 2pm flight to Dallas.  The plane did not leave Boston until 3 pm, and as we only had 50 minutes to transfer to the Vancouver flight in Dallas, we  assumed that we would miss that last flight of the day. ( 6pm ).  We gave up all hope when we did not arrive until 6.20 pm, so went to customer service to find out if they were prepared to put us up at a hotel for the night.  Miraculously, the girl said "we have been waiting for you, just go to the gate next door and they will be pleased to see you".  They had actually changed the arrival gate so it was next to the out bound flight to Vancouver, and we were away immediately.  We were at Dallas for only 9 minutes !!!  Now that is what I call service.  Apparently there were eleven of us on the delayed flight from Boston who were in the same boat.  Must admit, the other passengers were not as excited as we were judging by the looks on their faces.  It was a great relief to arrive in Vancouver and find our luggage safely on the turntable.
So here we are in downtown Vancouver at 1am Boston time after travelling all day - more tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, such wonderful service and nothing less than we would expect! I'm sure Brian's blood pressure was up a bit when he realised the plane would not arrive before the departure time....Must have been the clean living in Lunenburg....Love to you both
