Friday, September 13, 2013

Eureka to Bodega Bay

It is difficult to take photos whilst travelling in a car, but we were able to take the shots shown below.

Last night's accommodation at Eureka was excellent.  We would have liked to stay longer so we could complete reading the restaurant's wine list of more than 3800 wines!

We left Eureka and cut across from highway 101 to highway 1 which runs closely along the coast.  A very winding road, but great scenery.  There are many signs stating "Adopt a Highway" which are presumably designed to encourage individuals/organisations to provide financial assistance for the maintenance of roads.

Highway 1 was a relatively narrow road, although in excellent condition.  We found the ride hair-raising, with sheer drops to the Pacific not unlike the Great Ocean Road.  The majority of the route had no protective guard rails or warning signs.  At one point we estimated the road to be about a 2000 foot sheer drop to the ocean.  

After San Francisco we will have slept in 24 different beds if the Melb/LA and LA/Melb flights are included.  Our own bed and bathroom are looking inviting!  After tonight, we have one night in San Francisco, a flight to Los Angeles and then Qantas to Melbourne.

Another lunch stop in a typical Californian town, with good organic food.  More chowder !  This is at Fort Bragg.

Pacific Ocean is undermining some of the houses along the coast.  Near Bodega Bay.

The shingled houses all through this area.  We are staying here tonight.

Restaurant overlooking the bay.  The fog has just lifted.

Many push bikes on route 1 today, motor bikes like these guys, and countless RVs, trucks and cars.

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